27 April 2020

Image of Staying in Touch

Hello everyone, 

Yet another challenging week has passed of us staying away from school but staying safe at home. 

I now know you’re all doing well as I have had such an uplifting week getting in touch by making phone calls home. Although it’s made me miss you all even MORE, it has been such a joy to be able to chat to you directly and find out how well you are doing continuing with your learning. The study books seem very popular, especially the Arithmetic Book, which is fabulous because you were all progressing so well with your mental maths before Lockdown. Many of you have also completed activities off the blog including the World Map Geography games  (YEY!!) and a lot of you are enjoying the BBC Bitesize videos, lessons and particularly the games. It’s been really good to hear that you are taking this time to persue your interests and research areas and subjects you can’t always do in school. I can’t wait for us to have a showcase afternoon of all the things you have learnt once we are all back together. What is most impressive though, is that everyone I spoke to seems to be creating daily routines that sensibly balance studies with fun activities too- particularly making the most of getting outside in the sunshine. Mums and dads seem to be doing amazing jobs in helping you where they can too. It was also so good to hear that many of you have been able to stay in touch with eachother-especially through social media & games consoles-who’d have thought! Even Mrs Ali is able to continue her instrument lessons in your houses which I have heard such amazing things about.

At home this week, my family and I have been realising the power of staying in touch too. From FaceTime to Zoom Quiz Parties, chatting through windows or from two metres away, we’ve been enjoying seeing the faces of those people in our lives that we are missing most. My girls have been writing postcards to their friends which we delivered on some of our daily bike rides. Now they have received lovely letters in return which reminded me of the ‘Pay it Forward’ message that the Prayer Leaders passed on in school. Maybe you could try making someone’s day this week with a special message, letter or phone call - I’m sure it will make their day!

At at the moment, there are lots of charity ideas that are based around  ‘passing it on,’ style challenges to raise money. (You might have seen Mrs Evans’ 5k challenge.) In ordinary times, it would have been the London Marathon yesterday. This is when thousands of runners undertake a gruelling 26.2 mile course around London and raise millions of pounds for charity. This year the event has been postponed till October and charities are suffering. So  people have come up with inventive ways to take part in the ‘2.6 CHALLENGE’ which involves any activity based around the numbers 2.6 or 26 to fundraise for their chosen cause.  So as a family we are trying to do a different activity each day until we can raise £26. So far we have ran round the garden 26 times each, completed 26 laps on our bikes and had a 26 Netball goal shoot out. (I didn’t win!). I think it’s sit ups tomorrow. I’m open to suggestions of other good activities and would love to hear about any challenges you are taking part in. 

Thursdays are still proving to be the best day. During this week’s ‘Clap for Carers’ Batman emerged from one of my neighbour’s houses and ran up and down the avenue which earned an even louder clap than usual. This Thursday will see another hero celebrated. Captain Tom Moore -who has raised over £28 million for the NHS- will turn 100 years old, so look out for special events to mark this. Then, the day after (Friday 1st May) you get permission to spend the whole day in your pyjamas! The BookTrust are holding a day of special events where families across the country can join in a festival of story-filled fun at home (in your pyjamas). Also, have you seen anything strange happening to a post box opposite Trafford General Hospital? It’s turned blue! Can you think why?

Dont forget to check out the Oak National Academy Government website, especially if you enjoy quizzes, as they start and end some of their lessons with a fun quiz to test yourself. 

Thank you again to all those children and their families that I had an opportunity to have a chat with: you made my week! And don’t worry, anyone I could only leave a message for, i’ll be back in touch later this week. 

Stay safe, well and happy 6J

Love Mrs Jones & Mrs Stanley xx

Posted by Mrs Marshall

Category: Year 6J