Getting ready to write!

Image of Getting ready to write!

Supporting and extending a shoulder pivot.

Category: Reception


National Poetry Day!

Image of National Poetry Day!

We loved listening to and joining in with the poems ready to us by Liam and Bella who are two of our School Reading Ambassadors.  We have also been busy practising our own poem that we will be performing to the rest of the School in a few weeks.

Category: Reception


Geography Map Skills: Recapping our knowledge on The Ancient Civilisations

Image of Geography Map Skills: Recapping our knowledge on The Ancient Civilisations

Today the children recapped their geography knowledge on what they had learned so far on the Ancient Civilisations: Shang Dynasty, Ancient Sumer, Ancient Egypt and Indus Valley. 

The children were given a blank world map and in groups they had to work together to identify the southern and…

Category: Year 4Mc


Creating Mehndi art patterns!

Image of Creating Mehndi art patterns!

Category: Year 4/5D


Transient Art

Image of Transient Art

This afternoon we had a fabulous time making pictures with natural materials. We even used Mrs. Elsey’s iPad to take a photograph of our creations!

Category: Nursery


Puddle fun!

Image of Puddle fun!

Category: Reception


Religion: Hot-seating Samuel

Image of Religion: Hot-seating Samuel

Today the children took part in hot-seating Samuel. In pairs, the rest of the children had to think of questions to ask Samuel about how he felt when he was called by God to be his prophet and what it meant to him in life.

Category: Year 4Mc


We’re Following The Leader……

Image of We’re Following The Leader……

We had a great game of “Follow the Leader” with Mrs. Jackson and Miss Carr. We had to listen really carefully to the directions as we went different ways along the lines in the ‘Big Playground”. It was great fun!

Category: Nursery


Class Liturgy

Image of Class Liturgy

Thanking God for creating our Wonderful World. 

Category: Year 2DB


Reading Music

Image of Reading Music

Category: Year 4Mc


Working Scientifically: Testing if materials are insulators or conductors

Image of Working Scientifically: Testing if materials are insulators or conductors

Today the children set up their simple circuit and tested a variety of materials to identify if they are conductors or insulators.

From their investigation the children identified that metals such as iron, copper and steel are good conductors (allow electricity to flow through) and that…

Category: Year 4Mc


Investigating the link between temperature and evaporation!

Image of Investigating the link between temperature and evaporation!

Today year 4 investigated the link between temperature and evaporation. We were trying to decide the best method to dry clothes, so we wet some paper towels and placed them in different locations. We used stopwatches to time how long it took for them to dry. It turns out the drier was the quickest…

Category: Year 4/5D