13 April 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

This week the home learning is all about animals. I am sure that the children will enjoy watching the BBC Bitesize clips on mammals, amphibians, birds, fish, reptiles and mini beasts. They could then write some sentences about animals or even make a little book about animals with a page on mammals, a page on amphibians etc. 

There is also a link to an interesting little video clip about nocturnal animals. The children could use the writing frame in the link below to write a report about nocturnal animals. They could write the introduction about what nocturnal animals are and then write about some of the animals e.g owls, bats etc.https://www.twinkl.co.uk/download/3255673 

For maths I recommend using the White Rose maths home learning resources. I also want to let you know that Oxford Reading Tree are providing free access to their e-reading books. You will need to register at www.oxfordowl.co.uk. Collins are also doing the same a http://collins.co.uk 

Click on this link for the tricky words for Year 1 to practise reading and spelling.


On our blog I have posted a copy of a poem called ‘Now We Are Six’ by A.A Milne, famous for the Winnie the Pooh stories. The children could try to learn this poem and write it in their best handwriting. 

I hope these ideas are helpful and that you are all safe and well.

Mrs Smith

Posted by Mrs Smith

Category: Year 1S